Developments and Extra Thoughts

So for my Smart Band I’ve got to come up with visual communications to brand and advertise it. Everything has got to resemble an NHS medical campaign but I want it to be relatively quirky in design, as a sort of personal touch. I’ve had a think about what sort of mediums that would go with this sort of campaign and the obvious one is a Television advertisement but done in Motion graphics. It would be about 20-30 seconds long with a narrative explaining the campaign in a voice that’s both informative to adults but still sensitive and simple that a child would understand.

My first visualisation of what it would look like comes from the American Express adverts:

They are all animated in a motion graphics style with a voice over/narrator giving information on top of it. But the voice is calm and smooth. Something that works for a credit card company, it expresses relaxation and problem free service.

Further more there are adverts tailor made to lots of countries, like this example above made for Australia

And this one made for the UK, with David Tennent narrating it. The London advert gave me an idea, the NHS is a fundamentally British idea so it’s only ideal that a well known British voice should narrate the advert for the campaign.

This Tropicana advert uses the voice talent of David Mitchell, who is a Bafta-winning British comedian and Sit-Com writer. He has a calm and uplifting proper English tone of voice that I think could work well.

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